Tips For Your First Trip To Europe 

  • Post category:Cruise Tips
  • Reading time:8 mins read

Europe is an amazing place to visit, but they do things slightly differently there.  Read on for the tips of what you need to know before your first trip to Europe! 

After over 10 trips to many different European countries, there are many differences to be aware of.   We all have different things we notice on a first trip, but these are some of the most common things to be mentally prepared for on your first trip to Europe!  

In no particular order, my top tips for your first trip to Europe: 

Ice is not a thing 

Do not expect ice in your drinks.  Do not expect your drinks to be cold.  This includes beer.  Beer is served at cellar temperature in Europe, not refrigerator temperature.  (Oddly enough, so is wine. Here in America people tend to serve red wine at room temperature. In Europe all wine is served slightly chilled at cellar temperature.)

Also, if you order a soda it will be one bottle usually. Not in a cup over ice. Not a fountain drink. Definitely not with unlimited refills.

Hotels do not provide washcloths 

Washcloths are considered a personal item in Europe and many European hotels do not provide them.  Occasionally you will find a very touristy hotel that does, but even hotels that cater to tourists usually do not.  

Expect twin beds

Most hotel rooms in Europe come standard as twin beds. This makes it easier on the hotel laundry and housekeeping. It is great if you are traveling with friends, but just be prepared you may find yourself in a hotel with two beds unless you specifically ask for one!

Also a lot of times the beds don’t have a top sheet. Just a fluffy comforter.

Expect Twin Beds in European Hotels

Air Conditioning is not common 

This is especially true in northern Europe, but can even be true in southern Europe.  Places really just don’t have air conditioning like we do in the United States.  July and August are often not the best months to travel for this reason.

Expect to pay for water 

You can typically ask for tap water, but that is very uncommon.  Most people purchase bottled water, juice or wine with their meal.  If you do manage to get tap water, it will not have ice.  

Expect to pay for bread

Bread is often offered at the table, but it is not included. You will have a charge for it on your bill.  If you do not want the bread, let your waiter know when they bring it that you do not want it.  Or eat it.  Just know there will be a line item for it on your check.  

You have to request the check 

The waiter will not just ask if you want anything else and bring you the bill at the end of the meal.  That is considered rude and like they are rushing you.  You will have to request the check in order to pay. 

Even in countries where I know very few words of the language, I usually have somewhere convenient a note of how to ask for the check.  There is nothing worse than sitting when you want to be doing something else because you can’t figure out how to tell the waiter you want to leave! 

People eat their meals later 

Dinner is often later in Europe than it is in the US (or Britain).  The further south you go, the later the evening meal often is.  It can be incredibly challenging to find somewhere to eat dinner at 6 or even 7 pm! 

Don’t avoid an activity just because it is geared towards tourists

Sometimes the most touristy thing to do is there for a reason. An evening river cruise down the Danube, Seine, Rhine, Thames, etc. may not be something that locals do – but it will get you a fun experience and generally great pictures! We all want to have that “local” experience, but there is usually a reason that certain things are highly rated things for tourists to do.

Danube River Cruise at Night in Budapest

Cities are not usually dangerous, but pickpockets are a major problem 

Violent crime is generally not common in Europe, but there are pickpockets everywhere in European cities.  The scams vary from city to city, but be aware of your surroundings.  Don’t set your phone on the table while you eat.  Don’t set your bag on the table, in a chair, on the back of your chair or even under the table while you eat, especially if you are eating outside.  I always continue to wear my purse around my body while eating.  Is this annoying?  Maybe, but having it stolen would put a damper on things.  

Traveling to Europe is always an awesome experience. There are always experiences that make you miss home and there are things that make you say I wish we did it like that here!

Hopefully these tips help make your first trip to Europe a little smoother!

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