Looking for the best places to take formal pictures on the “Cruise Elegant” night onboard the Celebrity Edge? We have rounded up the 8 best places for those photos.
What exactly does “Cruise Elegant” mean for Celebrity? Basically, it is the same thing as a formal night on other cruise lines, but with a little bit more flexibility. Some people will always be more dressed up than others. If you want to wear your tux, go for it. Just don’t wear shorts or a t-shirt!
What-ever you have decided to wear, however you are looking your best, below are some great places onboard the Celebrity Edge to take your formal photos, or formal selfies.
Make sure you save this page so you can get back to it when you’re onboard and trying to figure out where to go!
1. Your balcony
Your balcony if you have one. This is always a great place to take a quick photo before your makeup starts to melt in the heat.

2. Eden
Eden. Not next to the sign exactly, but there are so many hidden pockets of unique chairs in Eden. Just watch the lighting. It can be very dark in some places and very brightly shadowy in others.

3. Martini Bar
Martini Bar. Always a classy place – the challenge is just finding a quiet spot for your photo.

4. Rooftop Garden
Rooftop Garden. Again there are so many different seating arrangements, so many different plants, so many unusual…I’m not even really sure what to call them. But interesting decorations makes interesting photos and there are even tables you can prop your phone on if you have the patience to set a timer and get your whole group!

5. Solarium
Solarium. I love formal night pictures with my feet in a pool (assuming I’m not wearing a floor-length dress)! And the night-time mood lighting in the Solarium is perfect for pictures.

6. Archway on the main pool deck
Down the archway near the magic carpet is an interesting spot for photos. Again, watch the lighting because it gets shadowy in spots, but it’s a great spot for a long-view picture.

7. Butterfly by the pool
With the butterfly at the edge of the pool. This picture was taken from the deck above the pool, but there are so many different places to play around with this photo and it is such a classic for this ship.

8. Sunset
And last but not least, the classic formal night photo: anywhere you can get the sunset behind you. Isn’t that the best view on a cruise ship? It is only natural to combine the best views and the best of you with the classic sunset picture. Bonus points for the aft shot with the ship’s wake!

I’m sure there are tons of other great places for formal night photos. Be creative. Don’t be afraid to set your phone down (in a secure, steady, not near the railing location) and set the time for more full body shots of your elegant attire. Most importantly, have fun with it. The only wrong way to cruise is if you’re not smiling!

Use any of our suggestions on social media? Tag @averagecruiser so we can like your photos!
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