Cruising During The Holidays

  • Post category:Cruise Tips
  • Reading time:7 mins read

Many people think of the holidays as a season to stay home and enjoy time with family and friends, but there are some benefits to cruising during the holidays.  A family cruise over a major holiday eliminates the need for presents and is a memory the entire family will treasure.  Cruise lines decorate and prepare special menus for the Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween and New Year’s Eve so you can enjoy the food and decorations you are used to at the holiday…without having to prepare them yourself! 

There are tons of reasons to take a holiday cruise.  Check out these benefits of cruising during the holidays! 


The cruise lines decorate for the holidays so you can expect to see fun and sometimes surprising decorations for the holiday! 

The best part about cruise ship decorations? You don’t have to put them up or take them down yourself!


Cruise lines often have traditional menu items like turkey on Thanksgiving and Christmas.  They prepare special menus for the holidays so people can eat the type of foods they expect to eat on those days.  So don’t think you won’t be able to have some of your traditional foods at the holidays…but also don’t expect them to be able to make dressing like your mom.  The foods themselves may be what you expect, but they won’t have your family recipe! 

The menu for New Year’s Eve is just a step above a normal dinner!

Great Timing

Winter is a great time to take a cruise in the Caribbean.  Once you make it past most of the hurricanes (usually by the end of October) the weather is great in the Caribbean.  It’s warm but not too hot and it is not as crowded as in the summer months.  

Check out Why Winter is a Great Time for a Caribbean Cruise 

Parties and Activities

Cruise lines throw special parties and activities for the holidays.  Many cruise lines have Halloween themed activities and you can still dress up and see others dressed up even.  New Year’s Eve celebrations are a big deal on cruise ships, with huge deck parties and complementary champagne.  

Holiday Memories with Family (and Friends) 

Cruising during the holidays with family is a great way to make lasting memories.  We may all remember the years we spent gathered around the Christmas tree in a particular room of a particular house, but it is also fun so reminisce on that great year when we spent Christmas on the fun adventure.  A family cruise is also a great gift for those people who seem to already have everything! 

What to read next:

What to pack for a Caribbean Cruise in the Winter

Caribbean Cruise Tips

Holiday Gift Guide for Cruisers

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