We started our day in the Cosmopolitan main dining room for breakfast. We weren’t incredibly pleased with it. They brought me my pancakes before my eggs benedict – saying there wasn’t room for both at the table…but they were both there at the same time. Who wants pancakes first? We asked for pastries and never got them. But we had to remind ourselves, this was only the second cruise back. We knew going into it that there might be some hiccups that had to be worked out.
After breakfast, we wound up in Eden for some trivia. We did not win, but we got a respectable number right and we had fun.

After trivia we wondered around the ship for a few minutes before heading to lunch. In the buffet lunch we found something very interesting at the grill line. Filet mignon. We both independently walked by the sign and questioned it. Then they took the sign up (they ran out?) and then they brought it back out. I got a piece with the idea that we could sort of split it depending on the temperature it was cooked to. I didn’t think it was well done enough, but it was so tender we cut it with a butter knife. If I had actually managed to snag some as the main part of my lunch I feel like they would have put it back on the grill if I had asked. I was properly impressed by their choice of meats.
After lunch we headed up to the pool, which was very crowded. We managed to snag a couple of chairs on the back row and a good spot in the pool. Emily watched some more pool volleyball and I drank prosecco.

Because why not.
It was formal night again so we took some pictures around the ship before dinner.

We had dinner in the Tuscan restaurant again. It was the second cruise elegant night, which meant lobster. The waiter insisted that Emily should have 2 lobsters instead of 1 and she ended up with way too much lobster! We decided they had over purchased lobsters for the number of guests and since it was so late in the evening they were trying to get rid of it. (We had an 8:00 dinner every night.)
After dinner it was time to find a good seat for the second silent disco, which was in the main atrium / martini bar. We got a show from the martini bar before the silent disco started. The silent disco wasn’t quite as much fun because the venue was just weird, but we were still entertained!

Day 7: The Last Sea Day
After a quick buffet breakfast, we headed to the Q&A with Captain Kate McCue. She explained her life story and how she became the first female cruise ship captain in the US. Once she finished speaking there were about 20 minutes left for questions.

For someone who has a huge online following, the Q&A was actually not as busy as I was expecting.
After the Q&A, most of the audience moved on over to the Club for the trivia about her naked cat. It was incredibly ridiculous. What was even more ridiculous was that they needed a tie-breaker. Several groups got all the questions right. So crazy! (Apparently the previous week’s questions were posted online so they could have watched that and just remembered all the answers.)
It was ridiculous that we were attending trivia for a naked cat, but people’s interest was even more crazy.
Anyway. I digress.
After naked cat trivia, we had lunch and went to the pool. We’d managed to eat an afternoon snack of fries for a couple of days in a row so I decided we needed to check out the afternoon snacks that was listed on the schedule from 4-5 everyday. It had elements of an afternoon tea…though nothing to compare to Carnival’s Afternoon Tea. There were little sandwiches (including cucumber), mini scones and cake.

After the snack, I spent some more quality time reading in the sun on our balcony while Emily went to the casino.
And then we headed for our last dinner, which was in Cosmopolitan.
They finally had prosciutto and melon on the menu and then we both had some pretty decent gnocchi.
After two different types of chocolate cake for dessert (I mean, we had different ones, not we each had two), we headed back to the room to sadly pack.
Day 8: Debarkation
The papers told us we had to be out of our room by 8. We didn’t check our luggage because we don’t like to be constricted to their time table and we like to have access to our luggage until the end.
We left the room a few minutes before 8 and headed up to the Oceanview Café, which closed at 8:30. I found a table and corralled our suitcases and Emily got us both omelets and some sides.

At some point we did also locate some fruit and pastries of course. A few minutes before 9 we made our way down the elevator and to the gangway.
Captain Kate was at the terminal thanking us all for coming and wishing us a safe trip home.
And that was it. We went through security, found the car, and started to drive.