Benefits of Staying On The Ship While At Port

  • Post category:Cruise Tips
  • Reading time:7 mins read

There are many different reasons to cruise.  The destinations are one reason, however it is not the only reason.  Many people cruise to repeat destinations year after year.  Sometimes you go a cruise that repeats one port – sometimes people choose to go on the exact same itinerary.  One of the benefits of returning to a port is that you can try a different excursion or a different activity while in port.  Another reason to repeat a port is so you can stay on board the ship while everyone else goes out and explores the port. 

Note I said explores, not enjoys.  There are certain ports that we no longer consider worth getting off the ship for.  Now, we’re not big shopper or drinkers but there are plenty of ports where most of the activities on shore revolve around those two activities.  Sometimes the weather does not cooperate.  There are many other reasons that getting off the ship may not be as enjoyable as you wanted it to be. 

Now let’s talk about some of the reasons it can be more enjoyable to stay on the ship. 

Completely empty pool

We went on the same cruise something like 4 times in a row.  Maybe it wasn’t exactly the same cruise, but it went to Grand Turk every time and I don’t think we ever actually liked Grand Turk.  Sure, it has the Caribbean’s largest pool, but we think it also has the Caribbean’s most over-priced drinks.  The Margaritaville Resort is free and close to the port, but correspondingly incredibly crowded and unpleasant. 

The last couple of times our ship docked in Grand Turk, we decided to stay on ship and it was so much more fun.  We had the pool completely to ourselves until an older couple joined us to practice their swimming.  Because the pool was so empty you could literally swim laps in it.  For almost an hour we were the only people in the pool on a ship with over 3,000 people.  The best time to enjoy the pool on a cruise ship is in the morning when you are at port.  Who knew you could get your laps in while on a cruise ship! 

No lines at the buffet

If you go to a port you are not super interested in, come back on board for lunch.  Maybe it won’t be as good as the food on shore, but that depends on where you are eating.  We once ate $12 guacamole at Margaritaville (or was it Senor Frogs?) and it wasn’t even that good.  If you have a goal for lunch or are in a European port, there are plenty of reasons to eat on shore.  But in a Caribbean port, food is often at very inflated tourist prices and is often not very good because they know you are not coming back anyway. 

On board the cruise ship, the food may not be very exciting, but at least it is already paid for.  Also, some of the specialty dining venues are open for free at lunch on Carnival and so you can get your pasta or Mongolian without having to wait in the long lines of sea days or pay like you do in the evening. 

Cheaper drinks

Your typical port drinks are not cheap. They know all cruise passengers want to drink at the closest establishment and they know after a couple of drinks the price really won’t matter.  I promise the drinks on board are cheaper than any restaurant/bar you can see from the deck of the cruise ship.  If you must get a drink on shore – ask for it in a regular cup instead of the souvenir cup to save a few dollars. 

Cheaper Spa Treatments

The spa has different prices and different availability depending on if you are in port or at sea.  The cheapest time to get a spa treatment is the first day you get on board, however most people can’t make that work into their schedule.  The next best time is while you are at port.  The prices are lower plus you will have more choices of time.  Remember to pre-book your spa treatments for best time slots!   

Relaxed Atmosphere 

Many of the children and teenagers are off the ship exploring the port and going on excursions.  The ship has a different feel when it is half empty.  Those people who are on board are less likely to run you over and they are usually not trying to get anywhere in a hurry.  Those people still on board just want to relax so the vibe mellows out. 

What ports do you like to say onboard for? 

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